
Expedia | St Jude Dream Adventures

Pixel Rain Digital created the first of it’s kind real-time 360 streamed room for sick children at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to experience adventures from around the world. 

We used a custom muslin fabric 12 foot cube. Using a software solution written by our own team, we recreated the complete environment with Barco 15k projectors.  Interfacing with a real-time full 360 video stream , we remapped the entire environment back onto the 360 cube in real-time.  These children got to experience adventures like scuba diving, digging up dinosaur fossils, interacting with monkeys, and running along wild horses.

The result was truly special; the kids were able to move around the room, and talk with their guides about the environment.  Through incredible coordination made possible by Expedia and its employees, 180LA, and Ways & Means Productions, and All360Media, guides were placed into fantastic moments of time.  Massive schools of caribbean fish, prides of argentinian horses, and packs of monkeys were colorful and reactive on the screen.

This moment was was made possible by the collaboration of many hard working companies and individuals.  The giving spirit from all who contributed their skills to this project drove it’s success, and was a great thing to experience first hand.

Share the power of travel with kids who need it most by donating your Expedia+ points at http://www.expedia.com/stjude.

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Expedia | St Jude Dream Adventures - 360 Projection Mapping | Pixel Rain Digital